Saturday, March 26, 2022

Spring Has Sprung

Shock - almost a week ago I let a milestone pass unremarked. March 20 was the spring (vernal) equinox, the day when we experience exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. 

It is now officially springtime, and has been for 5-6 days. A happy time of long twilights is upon us, getting more so until around June 21. 

I've been sniffling from the pollen, which should have alerted me. I've been somewhat distracted trying to help the other DrC recover from a hip replacement which happened 2+ weeks ago. She's doing well.

As a hay fever sufferers, we get to 'enjoy' springtime here in NV in March, then we migrate to WY in May and 'enjoy' it there a second time. This is no new 'joy,' we experienced spring twice each year when we wintered in CA. There is a bit less pollen here in the NV desert than there was in springtime northern CA, which is nice.

We've already experienced our first 80 ℉ day here, while there is still snow on the ground in WY. We enjoy the "best" of two quite different climates, avoiding the extreme cold of WY and the extreme heat here.