Saturday, March 26, 2022

Stardust ... Reviewed

Last night the DrsC rewatched the 2007 film Stardust, with Claire Danes, Michelle Pfeiffer and Robert De Niro. I checked to see if I had reviewed it here years ago, and apparently I haven't. 

Stardust is a fantasy film, with Michelle Pfeiffer playing a really powerful and not particularly nice witch, and Robert De Niro playing a cross-dressing semi-pirate described by his crew of bravos as "a whoopsie." Claire Danes plays a star, not a Hollywood star but a bright shining light who comes from way up in the sky. 

Ricky Gervais plays a sort of comical fence and the male lead is a young man named Charlie Cox. The cameo parts are fun too, and feature good Brit character actors. 

When you're in the mood for something light, fun, and entertaining, Stardust is an excellent choice, and it has a happily ever after ending. The violence is treated light-heartedly and the romance is similarly not overly serious. 

Both Pfeiffer and De Niro really pull out all the stops hamming it up in fun. And if you happen to know of a source for Babylon candles, drop me an email.