Monday, April 24, 2023

Attacks on DeSantis Miss Mark

The New York Post’s Karol Markowicz looks at Trump’s attacks on FL Gov. Ron DeSantis. As a FL resident herself, she finds them without merit, inconsistent, and basically laughable. From the number of different places which have posted links to her article, it appears many believe she is absolutely correct.

I ask, if DeSantis is doing such a crap job in FL, how did he win a landslide reelection? Why did the Trump clan and hundreds of thousands of other people choose to move there? It seems clear to me DeSantis is doing a good job, getting things done, and posting wins in the culture wars. 

What DeSantis hasn’t done is win the unwavering support of FL’s congressional delegation, several of whom have endorsed Trump. And he doesn’t have the platform skills Trump has honed as a public figure and reality TV star for decades.