Sunday, April 23, 2023

Eyes on the Prize

Kurt Schlichter writes columns for Townhall I enjoy. Sometimes he writes mean things about people who deserve it, usually with humor, and that is part of who he is and what he does.

Today he writes an entirely serious column that, if you are any kind of conservative, you really should read. His main point is that we should have a vigorous primary while keeping firmly in mind that when it is done, we must work together to retire Grandpa Biden by electing the GOP nominee come November.

Schlichter has little patience with conservative voters who either won't vote for Trump if he's nominated, or won't vote for anyone but Trump as nominee. Every such person is effectively a vote for Biden. 

Schlichter promises.

I will vote for the primary winner in the general. Period. If you play the game, you need to accept the outcome.

I concur. Like Schlichter, I want to "make sure the primary winner is not presiding over rubble." I will vote for the Republican nominee in November of 2024, whoever that person turns out to be - Trump, DeSantis, or someone else. I might have to hold my nose to do it; I've had to do so in the past, but I will vote GOP. 

What you decide to do is your affair, of course. I'd encourage you to keep firmly in mind that a Republican in the White House should be our shared goal. For some of us, that person may not be the Republican of our dreams, but will be a clear improvement over what we've got now.