Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Birds of a Feather

The editorial board of Isssues & Insights takes a deep dive into the population shifts occurring across our great land during the last two years. They get down to the county level and find counties that voted for Trump mostly gained population while counties that voted for Biden mostly lost population. 

Paradoxically, this means our great cities are losing conservative voters meaning they become more progressive. I suspect the mayoral election just completed in Chicago reflected this, a progressive was replaced by someone even more progressive. 

The I&I analysis seems to suggest who is moving is conservatives, with a couple of exceptions. I suppose that makes sense. Faced with the progressive trifecta of media, corporate governance, and academia egging on the administrative state, who will want to flee is conservatives. To some degree, they are also who can more afford to flee. 

The Great Sort continues….