Sunday, April 30, 2023

The DrsC Do Triage

I wrote Friday about us trading our RV and 2015 truck on a new truck. And I briefly summarized our 51 years of RVing. We had accumulated no end of RV gadgets, plus all the things needed to outfit a bathroom and kitchen.

On Friday a couple of neighbors pitched in to help us offload all that "stuff" into our garage, necessitating parking our Jeep outside for the time being. Today we began doing triage on all that material. "Triage" means dividing into three categories, our three are keep for our use, give to others, and trash.

A fair proportion is going straight into the trash. Then there are things like the semi-expensive electrically heated water hose which very useful for winter camping, but for which I see no use going forward. That sort of item is very RV-specific, we'll try to find an RVer who wants it.

We will probably give the pots and pans, eating utensils, etc. to a charity-run second hand store, it is harder to figure out what to do with towels, afghans, and the like. I don't imagine a market for such. 

We are sorting out the accumulations of a lifetime of RVing. It is easy to get bogged down remembering when we acquired an item for a need that occurred somewhere out "on the road." 

We have an appointment in WY early next week which means we need the triage done in maybe the next 3 days. Being sad about giving up the "RV life" doesn't make the process any easier.