Sunday, July 23, 2023

Another Least Bad Choice

It is likely the nominees in 2024 will be Biden and Trump. In an article for New York Magazine echoed on, Ed Kilgore observes the last time two individuals both formerly elected president faced each other was in 1892. About the 2024 ‘likely” match Kilgore writes a surprisingly balanced paragraph I’d share with you.

The horrific culmination of the first Biden-Trump election has frozen the vast majority of partisans in place as a rematch approaches, with most Democrats regarding Trump as a lawless rogue who had to be impeached twice, and most Republicans regarding Biden as a usurper who stole the White House from its rightful occupant. Conversely, most Republicans view the Trump administration as an era of peace and prosperity, while most Democrats view the Biden administration as a return to normalcy and constitutional governance. It’s unclear how many voters will engage in any judicious comparison of the records of the two presidents, and it’s entirely possible the result will be determined by voters who must decide which of them they dislike the least.

Between nominees Biden and Trump, many voters will make a “lesser of two evils” choice. For as Captain Jack Aubrey quipped in the film Master and Commander, “In the Royal Navy we are told to choose the lesser of two weevils.”