Monday, July 24, 2023

Electoral Demographics 101

In the last election millions of Californians voted for Trump, though he got no benefit as they were outvoted by Democrats. Consider this:
If less than 100,000 conservatives/Christians living in California had moved to Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, or Wisconsin before the 2020 election, the whole world might look different. 6 million votes for Trump in California, and all we needed was 76,514 (less than 1 and a half percent).

That interesting observation is from a book by Pastor Joel Webbon entitled Fight by Flight, appearing in The Federalist. He cites a number of historical examples of times emigration paid off for the godly, including the Mayflower group, and Moses’ flight from Egypt.

In an electoral system like ours, modest numbers of conservatives leaving CA and going to purple states like AZ and NV (where many have settled) can make a real difference. Those who go to blue states like FL and TX have less impact.