Friday, July 14, 2023

Carlson Interviews DeSantis

People have been less-than-enthusiastic about FL Gov. Ron DeSantis' campaign performance to date in the run-up to the GOP primaries. His poll numbers have either remained steady or dropped, depending on which poll you followed.

Perhaps his interview by Tucker Carlson today in Iowa might start to turn things around. Bob Hoge, writing at Red State, reviews the interview, and quotes substantial excerpts of DeSantis dialogue. Hoge concludes DeSantis did a good job.

DeSantis seemed at ease, spoke knowledgeably about the issues, laughed frequently, and didn’t seem awkward at all. That is not an endorsement or an expression of any preference in the GOP presidential primaries, it’s just my opinion about his performance at this event.

Carlson is nobody's patsy. If you come out of an interview with him looking good, you have platform skills. Incidentally, Hoge has a link to video of the interview, scroll down. Hat tip to for the link.