Tuesday, July 25, 2023

High Earners on the Move

In his column for PJ Media, Stephen Green is pleased to share statistics gathered by the Florida Chamber of Commerce. These concern the residents of which states are moving to Florida and how much income they bring with them. Green writes:

Believe it or not, former residents of just five states make up more than half of the income that’s headed south — not for the winter, but practically forever. They are: 

New York with $9.8 billion in lost income 
Illinois worth $3.9 billion 
New Jersey, $3.8 billion 
California, $3.5 billion 
Pennsylvania, $1.9 billion

Here’s the shocker: Each one of those states is ruled completely by Democrats. The governor’s office and both sides of each state assembly are dominated by Dems.

That almost $23 billion in lost taxable income, now to be spent or invested in FL. is "more than half," the total must be about $40 billion. The moral of the story is straightforward: Elect Republicans or watch high income earners depart for red states. 

Later … For a more extensive look at where those with incomes over $200,000 are moving to and from, one that doesn’t focus specifically on Florida as a destination, see this article at Smart Asset. Hat tip to the other DrC for the link.