Sunday, February 11, 2024

A Poison Pill Named “Kamala”

CEOs in business trying to forestall hostile takeovers sometimes put in place weird contractual stuff that only happens if it looks like a hostile is gunning for control of their company. This “stuff” is generically called “a poison pill.” 

We’re starting to see more articles like this one ruminating about the peculiar role of Vice President Kamala Harris in our current politics. How long before someone hits on the idea that the ideal VP pick is someone nobody wants as president and calls it something cute like “doing a Kamala” or “the Kamala gambit?”

Consider how different the current political discourse would be if Joseph B. had chosen as VP someone widely viewed as presidential timber. Easing Joe into full (as opposed to the current partial) retirement would seem so much more feasible.

Trump selecting Marjorie Taylor Green as his VP might buy him the same sort of “insurance” Kamala has provided for Biden. MTG is viewed as a “loose deck gun,” someone most wouldn’t want occupying the Oval Office. Avoiding that would require keeping Big Don in said office.

Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s poison pill, MTG or equivalent could be Donald Trump’s.