Saturday, February 24, 2024

Trump Wins Easily in SC

RealClearPolitics reports tonight Donald Trump has won the South Carolina GOP primary. He defeated Nikki Haley by 59.8% to 39.5%, with 99% of the vote counted. 

If you've been paying attention, you know SC is Haley's home state, one where she earlier had two generally successful terms as governor. You also know tonight's outcome is no surprise, the polling was accurate.

Politico breaks out the demographics:

A majority of every age demographic picked Trump over Haley. Men and women both backed Trump. Voters across all income ranges backed him, and he only narrowly lost college graduates while dominating among those without a college degree.

I expect Haley to continue campaigning at least through Super Tuesday. However I now expect Trump to pivot to general election mode and focus his attacks on Joe Biden. 

For a skinny old man, Biden makes a fat target. His shortcomings are many and grievous while his pluses are few.