Monday, February 12, 2024

Second Thoughts

On Saturday I wrote about the Hur report on Biden’s mishandling of classified material, and I noted, “Not that it matters, but Robert Hur is of Korean parentage.” I’ve had second thoughts about whether my conclusion of immateriality was valid.

In truth, it might matter. As the CIA country profile of “Korea, South” comments with respect to religion, “Protestant 19.7%, Buddhist 15.5%, Catholic 7.9%, none 56.9% (2015 est.), note: many people also carry on at least some Confucian traditions and practices."

Confucianism is not precisely a religion but is very much an ethical system of beliefs. A solid part of those is respect for, and care of, elders. I observed these while living in Asia.

Hur’s report finds Biden guilty of mishandling classified materials but treats the elderly perp with extreme gentleness. Doing so could be viewed as more Confucian than strictly speaking American. 

Perhaps Robert Hur’s Korean ancestry could be relevant in understanding his conclusions concerning “a nice, forgetful old man” who happens to be POTUS. Hur’s judgment that a jury of Biden’s American peers wouldn’t convict him could well have been influenced by Confucian precepts those jurors mostly wouldn’t share.

Psychologists call this process of assuming others will feel as you do "projection" and it often occurs.