Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy St. Valentine’s Day

Today we celebrate romantic love, the magic pair-bonding thing. The other DrC and I got engaged on this day some 53 years ago, it is one of the special days we celebrate. Another is the 4th of July, which is the anniversary of our first date. We watched fireworks then and most years since.

I hope you have had the good fortune we’ve had, to marry your best friend and never look back. We’ve supported each other through grad school, indulged a shared love of travel, and had a great time just hanging out together. And the adventure continues. 

Just today we made a winter visit to Zion National Park, a day trip. It is as spectacular today as it was when we saw it as children tagging along with our parents. Part of the magic of national parks is that - decade after decade - they don’t change much, the natural wonders persist. 

We do less walking than we once did, old creaky bones, you know. We’re getting to the point where we have to consider each visit now could be our last to a favorite haunt, and that is a sad but realistic thought.

Hug your special someone today and be glad you’ve someone to share your life with.