Monday, November 23, 2020

Celebrate the Harvest

We celebrate our autumn harvest festival - Thanksgiving - later this week, under strange circumstances in the midst of a Covid-19 resurgence. Do what harvest festivals are known for, over-indulgence in the abundance of the harvest. Have a good day and stay safe. 

The Trump-fostered vaccines will soon arrive, giving us something for which to be thankful. I plan to get mine as soon as offered. I’m a believer in vaccines, I’ve had those for pneumonia, shingles, influenza, etc., as well as some exotics for travel to the Amazon. 

This year - 2020 - has been less-than-marvelous. Partisanship has been on steroids ever since 2016 and the two sides get farther apart month by month. 

Each side appears to feel an unwillingness to share the country with the other. Where does this take us? I can imagine it takes us to a separation, a velvet divorce if we’re lucky, a civil war if we’re not.

Like our last civil war, this political/ideological divide is tearing families apart. In the other DrC’s family there are strong feelings on both sides. Brothers and sisters disagreeing, parents and children holding opposite views.

My family is so spread out geographically, it’s hard to know what people are feeling. We seldom see each other and, honestly, aren’t particularly close emotionally. 

I’m concerned that 2021 won’t be an improvement, except perhaps if we can get enough people vaccinated to stop the coronavirus epidemic. That and the consequent reopening of restaurants and resumption of travel - flying and cruising - will certainly be welcome as will hanging up the masks. Our political divide, however, shows no signs of healing.