Thursday, November 5, 2020

The AZ Call

It is important to remember that when this or that news source “calls” a particular state for one candidate, that prediction has no legal weight and is merely a prediction in advance of final data. Newsweek quotes numbers guy Nate Silver as saying the Arizona call for Biden was premature. Many have held this view as there are still large numbers of votes yet to count.

"I don't know, I guess I'd say that Biden will win Arizona if you forced me to pick, but I sure as heck don't think the state should have been called by anyone, and I think the calls that were previously made should be retracted now," Silver wrote in his website's blog.

Like most prognosticators, Silver hasn’t covered himself with glory in 2020 but he’s still one of the better numbers people on the national scene. It appears Fox News got out ahead of itself on the AZ call, RealClearPolitics hasn’t yet called the state.

I’d like to believe Trump still has a chance, but candidly it doesn’t look highly positive. Whoever wins the presidency will govern a very divided nation, and I’d rather that individual was Trump. That said, I’ll keep my powder dry and await developments. I hope we have a better idea of the final outcome by the weekend.