Wednesday, September 19, 2018

As It Now Stands

Much can change between now and Monday. Christine Ford has clearly and publicly been invited to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on that day, tell her story under oath, and be questioned thereupon.

As it stands now, she refuses to do so. If her refusal stands, and she does not appear, the Committee should proceed to a vote, approve Judge Kavanaugh, and send his nomination the the floor for an up-or-down vote, which is likely to be to confirm.

Democrats will have created "cover" for their red state senators who wish to vote against Kavanaugh. They can-and-will claim they couldn't vote for him because no FBI investigation of the charge took place.

CA Democrats should vote for Kevin de León against Feinstein over this kerfuffle, which has made her look weak and conniving. He will be no improvement over her as a senator, will in fact probably be worse. However, acts like hers should be punished, and CA Dems can vote for one of their own - de León - and punish her at the same time.