Monday, September 17, 2018

POTUS Declassifies FISA, Other Docs

Politico reports President Trump has acted to declassify documents related to the activities of Strzok/Page/McCabe/Comey vis-a-vis the Carter Page FISA application and the Bruce Ohr notes as well. Conservative voices have called for this move for months, while DOJ/FBI dragged their collective feet, stonewalled, and engaged in half-measures which they misrepresented.

I look forward to the analyses of these documents by Kim Strassel and Andrew McCarthy, the two best sources on this tale of woe and swampiness. Others may make insightful comments as well.

Assuming the documents reveal what we expect, I'd like to see the entire group of malefactors listed above wearing orange jumpsuits for the next decade or more. I'd settle for their being fired and losing their cushy pensions. It's important to make them an example pour encourager les autres swamp dwellers.