Saturday, September 29, 2018

Hypocracy Alert

America, the Jesuit Review, has an editorial calling for the withdrawal of the Brett Kavanaugh SCOTUS nomination. Kavanaugh was educated at a Jesuit prep school.

Ya gotta love the hypocracy of these dudes. The Roman Catholic priesthood is rife with child molestation, pederasty, coercive homosexuality, and cover-ups going all the way to the Vatican. Yet they have the chutzpah to criticize someone else’s morals?

Guys, have you no shame? Clean your own Augean stables, before you venture to criticize others based solely on the 35 year old memories of a drunk 15 year old. Bluntly, you currently lack the moral standing to criticize others’ alleged shortcomings.

Hat tip to and to Monica Showalter at American Thinker for the link.