Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Autumn Leaves

Check out some great autumn leaves photos at the other DrC's website. She has a good eye for nature pix.

Summers in the high country are short, but wonderfully pleasant. The year-round residents say winters here are not so hard, mostly just way too long. We snowbirds take their word for that, and spend winter where it's warm.

Later ... rereading this I thought of a way to tell you how we know winters are long here. In a typical year we spend just over four months in WY. During that time we experience three seasons: spring, summer, and fall.

To be sure, spring starts before we arrive and fall continues after we leave, but true summer here is two months instead of three, as are spring and fall. That leaves a nearly six month winter, which is “way too long.”

It’s no coincidence many year-round residents, when they retire, start spending mid-winter in NV or AZ to get warm.