Sunday, September 16, 2018

Waxing Philosophical

I was scanning the RealClearPolitics reading list for this Sunday morning and the range of opinions concerning the Mueller investigation and its implications for the President is astounding. Several say he’s doomed, several say Mueller is toast.

What is clear is that, so far, the “fish” caught have been small time hustlers. Do political campaigns attract some less-than-honorable hangers-on? They do. Are we surprised? Of course we’re not.

Will the investigation end up bringing down an elected president? Unlikely, but not impossible. Does anybody really know what will happen? Nope, everybody is either guessing or writing up their hopes as predictions.

I suggest we allow the events to unfold in the proverbial “fullness of time.” All will eventually become clear, and will likely prove to be a smaller deal than some hoped, if history is any guide.

In the meantime, life goes on. We’re fond of reminding readers John Maynard Keynes famously said, “In the long run, we’re all dead.” Which leaves the short and medium runs. In the short run we’re confused, fog of battle and all that. Focus on the medium run, that’s the time frame within which the important stuff occurs.