Monday, September 17, 2018

The Kavanaugh Kerfuffle

Jim Huff at Gateway Pundit, a conservative observer, has some interesting background on Judge Brett Kavanaugh's accuser, Christine Blasey Ford. Huff reports Kavanaugh's mother was the judge in proceedings where Christine Blasey's parents' home was foreclosed, and he links to the official documents on file.

Blasey has been a Trump protester and leftist agitator. It is alleged she recently deleted social media accounts which, we are told, documented her activism. This in the hope of appearing a sad figure, not an avenging harpy.

Something she couldn't delete, her "Rate My Professor" comments written by students. Some are quite negative.

This morning's gleanings on this story make relatively clear Professor Blasey is no disinterested victim, but rather a committed progressive activist. Being such does not automatically invalidate her claims of teenage victimization. It does establish she has a pair of compelling motives going beyond a search for "justice" 35 years delayed.

We live in interesting times.