Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Worth Their Weight in Gold

Instapundit links to a article reporting the Senate has been busy when no one was looking.
As the fight over Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the US Supreme Court unfolded this summer, consuming most of the oxygen available for judge-related punditry and spurring millions of dollars in ad spending by outside groups, the Senate confirmed more than two dozen of President Donald Trump’s judicial picks to lifetime appointments with little fanfare.

Twenty-six federal appeals and district court judges secured seats on the federal bench in the two months since Trump announced Kavanaugh as his latest Supreme Court nominee. That’s more than the number of judges confirmed in the first half of the year, and more than the number of judges confirmed in all of 2017.
These judges are the good news from Trump that won't go away after he's out of office; most judges will serve for a decade or two. If y'all don't get busy and vote to keep the Senate majority in GOP hands for the next two years, this kind of good news story will end in January or sooner.