Cartoon of a Democrat donkey dressed as a little kid, throwing a tantrum, kicking and screaming, captioned:
Another carefully considered, well-crafted and sober argument by liberal Democrats against the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.Photoshopped™shot of Barack Obama as a Janus-like figure with two faces pointed in opposite directions. One face says the following:
GDP growth of under 2% is the new norm. Trump doesn't have a magic wand.The other face opines:
The great economy we have now is all thanks to me and my policies.Cartoon of a distraught woman being comforted by a second female, dressed as a health professional, who speaks:
Calling a product or service a human right doesn't magically render it immune to scarcity.Cartoon of a guy holding a giant fork labeled "socialism" aiming it at a giant wall electric socket labeled "the economy." His friend warns him:
Everyone else who tried this has gotten hurt.Fork man replies:
Everyone else did it the wrong way.Photo of U.S. currency seemingly growing on a tree, captioned:
Cartoon of Lucy (labeled "Democrats") holding the football, while Charley Brown (labeled "young voters") looks bemused. Lucy speaks:Only capitalism creates anywhere near enough wealth to fund socialism.
I promise; this time socialism will work!Photo of a Kalashnikov assault rifle and ammunition, captioned:
The only thing that socialism produced that actually works & leftists hate it.Photo of a sign where people post snappy sayings using movable letters, this one proclaiming:
Turning vegan would be a big missed steak.