Saturday, September 29, 2018

Creating a Nemesis

Concening Brett Kavanaugh’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, The Los Angeles Times writes the following really stupid, faux-naive remark.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s raw, combative defense against a sexual assault allegation from decades ago may have saved his embattled nomination, but his angry, partisan words this week also may have damaged his ability to be seen as a fair justice on the nation’s highest court.
What total nonsense this is. There is no “fair justice” on the Supreme Court now, nor is there likely to be one in the future. The political nature of their appointment and confirmation guarantees this.

We know the SCOTUS as presently constituted has four conservative justices and four liberal justices. We are rarely surprised by how any of the eight votes on matters on which the two major political parties disagree. Not never, but darned rarely.

If the Democrats sought a “fair justice” on the Court, why have they bullied Kavanaugh unmercifully? How is this likely to help him steer a middle course?

Haven’t Democrats very nearly guaranteed he will stick it to them anytime he can see a rationale in the law for doing so? In his shoes, wouldn’t you?

Can you blame him for being crystal clear about who his friends and enemies are? If he had any doubts when appointed, certainly none remain.