Thursday, September 20, 2018

Passing Out at Party Prep

Lucianne links to a Thomas Lifson article at American Thinker who links to a website with the rather rococo name of Cult of the 1st Amendment. The latter has excerpts from the yearbook of the private girls high school - Holton Arms - which Christine “Chrissy” Blasey Ford attended.

Interestingly, the yearbook has recently been taken down from online, although the owner of this website copied portions before that happened. An enterprising reporter should be able to track down hard copies somewhere.

What the yearbook materials show is that binge drinking, hard partying, and generalized debauchery were celebrated at this haven for “sweet young things.” It sounds like Holton Arms school needed a staff abortionist on call and a rehab annex. Its trustees should sue the yearbook advisor for allowing excessive candor in its pages.

No wonder Dr. Ford can’t remember where or when the supposed assault occurred. Likely she was falling-down drunk at the time, and has but the vaguest of memories except for her fright, which I’d guess was real enough.