Monday, September 3, 2018

Virtue Signalling at Nike

Agence France-Presse reports notorious kneeler Colin Kaepernick will be the face of Nike's new ad campaign with the slogan "Just Do It." I completely don't blame Kaepernick for taking their money.

Nike's choice, on the other hand, is hard to justify. Nike has picked a formerly well-paid guy who "just did it" and consequently lost his job. How is this an image Nike wants to be associated with?

I'd suppose a firm would pick as their spox someone who "just did it" and succeeded, in spite of general expectations he'd fail. "Be daring and win" would be the subtext you'd hope to project.

A subtext of "it's great to go down in flames if your cause is just" is the credo of a suicide bomber. It's not a good look for a corporation.