Friday, September 28, 2018

The Dance of the RINOs

Senator Jeff Flake (R?-AZ) has just rendered himself “persona non grata for life” anywhere two or more Republicans gather. After voting with his party to send the Kavanaugh nomination to the full Senate for an up-or-down vote, he announced he would vote against Kavanaugh on the Senate floor unless there was a brief FBI look at the charges against Kavanaugh.

That was all a few other weaklings needed to agree with him. So the feebs get a week to look at these decades-old charges, after six other background checks passed him. As one of the regular sources I read wrote, implicitly this tells the FBI you didn’t do a good job before, so go back and check your work.

If Republicans with a majority in the Senate cannot confirm a presidential SCOTUS appointee who has ten years of honorable service in the next lower level court, they don’t deserve to be a majority. And there is a better-than-even chance they may blow it. Sad, and unnecessary.