Friday, February 11, 2022

About Ukraine

You are going to see people drawing analogies between Afghanistan and Ukraine. Quite simply, geographically and developmentally the nations are not analogous. 

Foreigners in third-world Afghanistan were more or less trapped when flights out couldn't handle the demand. Ukraine is a (relatively) modern country with passenger rail connections to 2-3 adjacent NATO countries, most directly to Poland. Flights are also available.

American citizens have been warned by our government to leave Ukraine, straight out with no qualifiers. Doing so is within the power of anybody who wishes to go. Those who choose not to leave stay at their own risk.

There may be a handful of people who are hospitalized or otherwise physically unable to travel and perhaps some minor effort to extract those should occur. 

I am disinterested in the plight of those U.S. citizens who claim their business or family obligations prevent leaving. If business or family obligations are more important than one's physical safety, so be it. That is a choice which, once made, absolves us of responsibility. 

Such individuals should expect the Russians to imprison them as CIA stay-behinds with local covers. It's what a Russian GRU sector commander would choose, and sometimes he'd be correct.