Monday, February 7, 2022

The Great Resignation

Considering it is CNN, this article on "The Great Resignation" isn't too bad. It notes that some 2.5 million people have left the job market for a variety of reasons, including Covid. Others have quit to either find or take better jobs with more pay, better hours, better perks.

One factor omitted, I hesitate to say on purpose, is the number of people who have opted to home school their children, necessitating an adult staying home with the kids. Given the disrepute in which the public schools are now held by many parents who seek something beyond government-funded child-care-plus-indoctrination, those numbers may be considerable.

Another factor omitted was people moving to places with lower cost of living (mostly housing) and working from home via computer and the Internet. Lower housing costs in rural or flyover locations may mean one parent can afford to not work. Ceteris paribus, a parent at home leads to better child outcomes.