Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Degrees of Connectedness

At his Insanity Wrap column for PJ Media, Stephen Green documents ugly stuff that has recently happened to Zuckerberg's Facebook and its parent company Meta, and more ugly is threatened by the EU. Somewhere the Winklevoss twins are sharing a high five. 

Full disclosure: The twins' dad - Howard (pictured in linked bio article) - and I were doctoral students at the U. of Oregon in the late '60s, and would go drinking together in the omnipresent rain. Later, the other DrC and I visited Wink and Carol in Philly where he taught at Wharton, before the twins were born. 

Wink's Wikipedia entry says his doctorate was in mathematics, which doesn't agree with my memory of him getting a business Ph.D. I know he studied with the B-school’s insurance guru Mark R. Greene, before Greene moved to U. of Georgia. Still, it’s over 50 years ago so (a) my memory can be faulty and (b) it no longer matters.