Friday, February 25, 2022

Major Matters

CNBC describes the findings of a recent study by the New York Federal Reserve Bank which looked at starting and mid career salaries earned by college grads with majors in many fields. Engineering and computer science did best, liberal arts and the ever-popular psychology were among the worst. 

The good news for those with majors that start low is that they improve by mid career, but never catch up with the engineers who likewise improve. BTW, some of the lowest paying majors do very little better than someone with a full-time minimum wage job.

If you know young people who might be choosing a field of study, impress upon them the desirability of a major that pays relatively well and for which firms actively recruit. Racking up $100k of college debt to study something “fulfilling” but non remunerative is self-destructive behavior. An apprenticeship in the building trades makes far more sense, and pays better.

We last wrote about this topic some six weeks ago.  Here it is again with similar results, albeit from a different source.