Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Rick Scott's Eleven Points

Via Politico, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) has released an eleven point plan (scroll down) for the modern GOP. Think of it as the 'grandchild' of the 1994 Newt Gingrich Contract with America. 

Scott stakes out uncompromising positions on patriotism, culture war issues, election security, crime, controlling the border, the family, and America First foreign and domestic policies.

Do yourself a favor, see what Scott has proposed as a Republican agenda. It is bold and will irritate most Democrats and some few Republicans, but I like it ... a lot. 

I think of his plan as aspirational. It’s what he’d like to be able to accomplish if he can assemble a working majority for each of his points.

If it were possible to accomplish even half of Scott's agenda, us "normals" would be ecstatic. The left would absolutely soil themselves while reaching for Thorazine. 


Afterthought: What isn’t clear is whether his eleven points appeal to a majority of Americans. The “tent” of those who agree with Scott may not be “big” enough, always a consideration in a de facto two party system.

Second Afterthought: Left-leaning Politico believes the Scott manifesto will do the GOP more harm than good, likely the main reason they agreed to post it. Scott is betting they're wrong, Gingrich did well with his.