Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Dam It

The cleanest energy we utilize is hydroelectric power, produced by falling water spinning turbines. It is the ultimate solar power as it works round-the-clock.

The sun creates the evaporation which builds clouds, the clouds produce rain and snow, those fill reservoirs, the reservoir water spins turbines, and no ash, carbon dioxide nor radioactivity is created as a byproduct. It is the original renewable technology, it works very well, and yet in the search for clean power it is scorned.

If California was sensible, every major canyon dropping west out of the Sierras would have a dam on it, controlling floods, producing power, and storing water for CA’s more-than-occasional droughts. If those had been built, think of all the hydrocarbons we would not have to burn to produce needed electricity. 

Those who oppose hydro power argue that beautiful valleys are drowned, which is true. However, beautiful lakes are created and those have recreational potential too. Yes, so-called "wild rivers" are tamed, making life less fun for rafters, a small price to pay and balanced by the new fun water skiers and boaters have. 

I spent most of my adult life downstream from a chain of hydroelectric dams on California's Feather River. I never once regretted them. 

Damn it, we need more dams.