Wednesday, February 16, 2022

P. J. O’Rourke … RIP

A great American humorist - P. J. O’Rourke - has died, at age 74. The loss to American conservatism is hard to overstate. 

O’Rourke’s columns wrapping up our nation’s absurdities in each of the last several years were gems. At Power Line, Scott Johnson quotes a favorite O’Rourke put-down of American progressivism, of which he wrote:

Let us all salute (and be sensitive to the needs of) the shiftless, the feckless, the senseless, the worthwhileness-impaired, the decency-challenged, and the differently moraled. And hello to their leaders — progressive, committed, and filled to the nose holes with enormous esteem for themselves.

If those words don’t remind you of Mark Twain and H. L. Mencken, of their shared disdain for the ass-hats who elect to screw up their own lives and the bleeding hearts who celebrate and enable that folly, you haven’t been paying attention.