Sunday, February 27, 2022

Prediction Comes True

Dang, it didn't take long to happen. On Friday I wrote a post I called "Waiting" in which I predicted some BIPOC talking head would put down the media interest in the Russian attack on Ukraine. Both sides being white, therefore popular interest being evidence of white racism.

Two days later, the Daily Mail (U.K.) reports that Nicole Hannah-Jones who founded the ahistorical and racist 1619 Project for the New York Times has done exactly as I predicted. DM quotes her as follows:

Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and in instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them. Many of us see the racialized analysis and language.

Honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.

She did go on to say Ukraine was no less deserving of our support than any other country, but made it clear she felt it got much more media focus because the people living there are white. 

The left would be more interesting if they weren't so pathetically predictable.