Friday, February 4, 2022

Miles' Law

Various sources are reporting former President Trump is unhappy with his Vice President Mike Pence for refusing to act in his capacity as presiding officer of the Senate to block acceptance of the 2020 elector counts sent by the states.

Pence claims to have believed he did not have that authority. He most likely is correct in that belief. What you see is an underlying stylistic difference in the two men's behaviors. 

Trump believes it is easier to ask forgiveness than to seek permission. In other words, do it, and there's a good chance it will be okay. If it isn't, apologize and try something else. This approach probably worked for him as a developer and assembler of deals.

Pence has a different history and tries not to get out ahead of what he knows will pass muster. In a career in government Pence found that has worked for him. Pence's decision makes sense to career politicians, Trump's doesn't.

I take no position on which man was correct. I do believe each sincerely believed he was in the right, and finds the other's position troubling, perhaps even baffling. It is Miles' Law in action.