Sunday, February 13, 2022

Remembering Selket

From 1976 to 1978 we were living temporarily in a Maryland suburb of DC. I was doing a visiting stint as a government internal consultant, on loan from my university. Meanwhile my dear lady was doing PhD coursework at U. of  Maryland.

At that time there was a traveling display of King Tut's tomb artifacts at the Smithsonian we wished to see but the lines were notoriously long and tedious. On a Super Bowl Sunday like today we took a chance nearly everyone was watching the game, went and the wait was only a few minutes.

I write as this year's game is being played in Los Angeles and once again I'm not watching the game. But I am remembering the King Tut materials we saw that afternoon, and saw again at the Egyptology museum in Cairo roughly 30 years later. 

Both times I was particularly struck by a gold statuette of Selket, Goddess of Magic and the Underworld (photo here, scroll down). Amazing that notions of feminine beauty haven't changed a lot in 3300 years.