Sunday, May 26, 2024

An Interesting Analogy

Writing at American Thinker, M. B. Mathews observes a major characteristic of the progressive movement. Hat tip to for the link.

What differentiates the radical left from conservatives is that leftists will die if they stop trying to change things. They, like sharks, cannot survive if they stop moving ahead. They call it “progressivism,” but it is studied destruction. It’s what physicists call “entropy” or disorder. Leftists must change things for the sheer thrill of exerting destructive and revisionist power over others.

Why do leftists need to destroy? It’s a narcissistic personality disorder. The intellectually idle, discontent with their own circumstances and with leaving good things alone, is so palpable that they cannot allow peace in the land. They must tear apart what offends them, which is everything that has worked in the past, probably because it had nothing to do with them.

With the caveat that “die” in the first paragraph mostly refers to the progressive movement collapsing, only rarely to the people physically dying, it isn’t a bad insight.