Friday, May 10, 2024

Polls: Climate Change Not Major Concern

Writing at TownHall, Gabriella Hoffman pulls together findings from several recent polls which together point to a lack of concern with climate change, even among the young. Some key points from her summary, links at the original.

A new Monmouth University poll doesn’t portend well for climate alarmists.

Monmouth explained, “Less than half (46 percent) of the American public sees climate change as a very serious problem.” This is down for every voting demographic group–Republicans, independents, and even Democrats.

NBC reported last month that climate change isn’t a top issue for voters.

A recent Gallup poll found that energy and environment ranked near the bottom of voter priorities.

Finally, Pew found most people “were in agreement that the Earth’s climate is changing, but they typically explained these changes as part of natural patterns over time, with humans described as having little control over these changes."

And yet the Biden administration, evidently in thrall to the World Economic Forum, keeps treating climate and net-zero as crises. Come November we need to repudiate the climate neurotics.