Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ashley’s Diary

You may recollect there have been allegations President Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley claimed in her diary she showered with her father at an age when that was “probably not appropriate.” This stated in the context of her claiming she was “hyper-sexualized” at a young age.

Karen Townsend writing at Hot Air quotes fact-checking site Snopes as now believing the diary has been proven to be hers. Ashley is reported to have admitted the “stolen” diary is hers in a letter to a judge. 

Of course the family’s reputation for truthfulness is in tatters, so Ashley may have imagined the showering. Or she may have been encouraged to ‘remember’ it by a psychologist looking for clues. What seems beyond question is that she wrote it.

In this context it is relevant to remember female Secret Service agents assigned to protect Vice President Biden complained that, at home in Delaware, he swam naked, making them uncomfortable.

Some very strange families end up in high office in our fair land. I’d include at least the most recent three presidents in that group, there may be more.