Monday, May 13, 2024

Worm in the Apple

There are so many things to dislike about the Biden administration that it is difficult to choose which is infuriating me most at the moment. Difficult but not impossible.

Given the war going on in Gaza and the sympathetic-to-terrorism demonstrations on campuses, I believe the Biden screw-up that is most up my nose is the Deputy Assistant to the President who coordinates defense and intelligence. His name is Maher Bitar, he is a Palestinian who studied at Georgetown and Oxford.

While at Georgetown he was active in the Students for Justice in Palestine, basically a front organization for Hamas. Can you imagine him having access to all sorts of top secret Intelligence data? You know he has in his current job, and those he held under Obama.

If you've wondered at Biden's lukewarm support for Israel, I don't think you need look much farther than Mr. Bitar for an explanation. He apparently is an acolyte of Jake Sullivan, Biden's National Security Advisor.

His presence in the White House is roughly analogous to FDR having a member of the Hitler Youth as his aide de camp, which is to say it is preposterous. Wikipedia has the following photo of Bitar and his family with President Obama.