Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Capitalism Builds Better

President Biden on the campaign trail, complains that as President Trump "didn't build a damn thing." Really? So what? Since when is the government responsible for building factories?

It is Republican policy to get out of the way and let private industry do what it does best. Very nearly the only things government should build are schools, roads, prisons, (with luck) mental hospitals, and military bases. 

Presumably they''d contract out most of that work to private builders who can do it better and cheaper. The economy hummed during Trump's watch, has slumped on Biden's. Does any reasonable person believe this to be a coincidence?

Democrats persist in getting in the way of entrepreneurs and guys like Trump who build things in the private sector. Democrats never see an activity they don't want to festoon with regulations, limitations and reporting requirements. It is their unhealthy raison d'ĂȘtre.

Afterthought: A corollary of government's nation defense responsibility is preventing the off-shoring of industries upon which our national defense relies: high tech, pharmaceuticals, and defense production. It's an example of government regulations of which I approve.