Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Puppets Without Strings

Much is being made of an attack on Donald Trump by actor Robert De Niro. It was harsh but I wonder why anyone thought his beliefs were more worth listening to or more informed  than those of any random pedestrian?

Actors are people who have the skill of being able to convincingly fake emotions they are not feeling, and many are physically attractive. The words they say on screen or stage are written by someone else, and their behavioral choices are made by a director. Effectively they are puppets without strings. 

Nothing about that description suggests they know more about politics than you do. I'd argue they very well may know less. Plus they exist in a subculture that has had Marxist proclivities at least since the 1930s, as demonstrated in HUAC hearings so long ago.

Admire the things at which they excel, their acting ability or their attractiveness. As for what they think, why care?