Sunday, May 19, 2024

Latter-Day Valkyrie

Posting at Instapundit, regular Ed Driscoll looks at people comparing Taylor Swift to Hitler (really?), labeling her an icon of white supremacists who call her an Aryan goddess, and complaining her fans are “too white.”

I’ve seen plenty of photos of Swift performing and tried to listen to a couple of her songs on YouTube. I didn’t get what she was “selling” and gave up without ever hearing one through to the end.

I will say in photos Swift does have a distinct Valkyrie vibe. There’s nothing “sweet” appearing about that talented “young thing.” Her image is as steely as Charlize Theron playing mean queen - very intent, very focused.

Swift’s songs are said to deal almost entirely with the difficulties of the man-woman relationship today. Their popularity reflects widespread unease with current cultural trends and the resulting impediments to marriage in our society. 

The uproar over Harrison Butker’s commencement address is another manifestation of these concerns roiling our cultural waters.