Sunday, May 26, 2024

CA Our North Korea?

Writing for The Pipeline, a site which focuses on the problematic nature of much green energy policy, Power Line’s Steve Hayward draws an interesting parallel. He begins with noting that at the end of World War II two countries were divided into socialist and capitalist sections - Germany and Korea. The capitalist sections of both thrived, the socialist sections did not.

Today the United States is repeating a parallel controlled experiment, between “red states” and “blue states.” As was the case under Communism, Americans are voting with their feet, moving in large numbers from high-tax, high-regulation blue states to low-tax, business-friendly red states. The data show red states are experiencing faster economic and personal income growth, and better social performance on a number of key indicators, such as crime, affordable housing, and public education.

Among all the blue states intent on pursuing neo-socialist policy, one stands out: California. The once-Golden State is rapidly becoming the North Korea of the fifty American states.

One is inclined to cite the George Santayana maxim, here roughly paraphrased,  that those who do not learn the painful lessons history teaches are doomed to experience them again and again.

Afterthought: I imagine Gov. Gavin Newsom dreaming of a Berlin-type border wall to keep his taxpayers from fleeing CA.