Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Nikki Endorses Donald

The last of the would-be candidates for the GOP nomination - Nikki Haley - has endorsed Trump for President. She says she will vote for him even though she has reservations. 

On the other hand, she declares President Biden is "a catastrophe." In this assessment, she is absolutely correct.

By getting elected President, Joe Biden ruined his okay reputation as a noncharismatic, unimportant senator from a nothing state. Instead he will be remembered as the worst president in recent memory, a reputation that, if Carter is any indication, will last for several decades. 

It’s the Peter Principle in action. As president, Biden was finally in a position where he was incompetent, unable to perform the job. And the history books will group Jill Biden with Edith Wilson as presidential wives who abused their position while propping up dysfunctional husbands.