Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Home State News

Instapundit posts Wyoming news concerning the state university. The legislature demanded the closure of the DEI office and UW is ‘complying’ reluctantly by renaming most of what the office did as “BIPOC opportunity” programs.

The good news is the following.

President Seidel: “We will not allow units of UW to require job candidates to submit statements regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. We will not have a requirement for employees to be evaluated on components of diversity, equity and inclusion in the performance evaluation process. These actions reaffirm UW’s commitment to merit-based employment practices including hiring and promotion.

Well, that is half a loaf. Seidel has a tough job, heading a liberal institution in a very conservative state.  

If the legislature really wants UW to get out of the DEI business, their actions will need to be more fine-grained and specific. We need a DeSantis-style governor to kick butt and take DEI names in Laramie. Hat tip to Instapundit for the link.