Thursday, May 23, 2024

Portland Dumps DA

The Daily Mail reports Portland, OR, district attorney Mike Schmidt has lost his bid for reelection to a tough-on-crime opponent, Nathan Vasquez. The job in question is actually DA for Multnomah County, which includes Portland.  

While votes are still being counted, Schmidt is losing to Vasquez 55-45. The Soros-backed, soft-on-crime loser has conceded. 

This outcome is important. It demonstrates that even in notoriously progressive Portland, voters can get fed up with a criminals-are-victims justice system that prioritizes the rights of criminals over those of people who behave.

Personal note: Oregon is an odd place, I did my PhD work there and am grateful for the opportunity. Everything west of the Cascades Range (which bisects the state north-to-south) lives under a rain cloud 7-8 months of the year. 

Gray skies and drippy leaves are very gloomy and depressing, as the Lewis and Clark party learned in the winter of 1805-6. The TV series Twin Peaks captures the ambiance of western OR reasonably well even though it was nominally set in WA.

Later ... Politico sees what happened Tuesday to Schmidt and earlier to San Francisco's progressive DA Chesa Boudin as indicative of a West Coast trend to oust soft-on-crime progressive prosecutors and start locking up malefactors. 

I ask, why limit it to the Left Coast? Even urban progressives can believe they and their property have the right to be safe. Those are rights that need defending.