Tuesday, May 28, 2024

An Iranian Nuke?

Writing for The Atlantic and echoed at the msn.com site, Arash Azizi asks the question, “What If Iran Already Has the Bomb?” As is often the case, the column’s title is more exciting than what follows. He believes the current Supreme Leader in Iran is too cautious to use nukes. 

Azizi ends up talking himself out of actually confronting the problem stated. I will take a stab at imagining a nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel.

Based on the flurry of rocketry and drones Iran aimed at Israel recently, and the small number which actually reached their targets, I conclude the following: Iran isn’t especially able to deliver explosives to strongly defended Israeli targets. 

That being the case, Iran doesn’t need “a” nuclear bomb. They would need quite a few in order to ensure at least one reaches Tel Aviv. 

Israel may want to move key installations to Jerusalem. It is unlikely devout Muslims would nuke one of their three "holy cities."

On the other hand, does anyone believe Israel has similar problems striking Iran wherever it chooses? They have a demonstrated ability to bomb targets inside Iran.